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TikTak · Compte mis en Parking

18-04-12 13:39:07

12-04-12 · 119


Pour les anglophones
Livre à paraître courant 2012.
Par Mark Angelo Harrison.

Vous connaissez sans doute tous Mark pour ses design, fly, logo, macaron de disque, ...
Il est un ou sinon LE membre fondateur du Spiral Tribe Sound System.
Ça vision des choses est très particulière, remettant systématiquement en cause l'ordre établi.

"The history I learnt from books at school was mostly about power and control. The history of rulers: their victories, their champions, their empires. Those stories were taught to me as if they were the definitive reality: the measure against which the present is calibrated and the blueprints of the future designed. But much of what is written is no more than propaganda or marketing. The only history recorded with any accuracy is the history of history books."

Dans ce livre, il décrit le projet spiral tribe depuis son origine.
Son point de vue est original par rapport à tout ce qui a pu être écrit sur le sujet :

"As the founding member of the Spiral collective, I’d like to get our story down before it’s lost. There are many ways I could approach the project. From a dry, factual, analytical list of events to a deep wallowing in honeyed nostalgia. Or, as I’ve decided to do in A Darker Electricity, a creative re-enactment of the narrative threads that lead to us stuffing a massive sound system into a truck and heading out into the unknown – never to return… "

Quelques extraits du boukin :

J'ai hâte de le lire.

lapin · Administrateur

18-04-12 19:23:44

11-07-11 · 13 877


Merci pour la petite actue 

J'espère qu'une traduction FR vérra le jour car sa a vraiment l'air sympa