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MannaM · Bass Jedi

25-01-16 12:44:56

02-06-15 · 433



Jacidorex is a 20 years old producer from Brussel. He began to produce acid in the end of 2013 but nobody knew him before the release of his track "Acid Vortex". Since augustus he is growing very fast, and he released on labels like Pureanalog. He is playing at heavy Acid party's in Belgium, France and Holland so you'll see him and his NEOACID several times the upcoming years!

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Je vous partage qqs tracks que j'ai rippé + 1 live

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Dernière modification par MannaM (18-08-16 12:14:58)

halfbaja · Bass Explorer

18-02-17 20:59:12

18-02-17 · 21


yeah !! merci

halfbaja · Bass Explorer

18-02-17 21:08:06

18-02-17 · 21


lien mort wink

MannaM · Bass Jedi

22-02-17 20:54:51

02-06-15 · 433


C'est bon il fonctionne wink